The bot is either limited by it’s role permissions, or by the channel permissions.

You need to go to Server settings > Roles > InviteBot > Permissions, and then in the 2nd category, Membership Permissions enable Create invite.

If that permission is already enabled, you need to enter the channel for which you are creating an invite’s settings, and under > Permissions search for a role that was given to InviteBot that has Create invite disabled.

It could be the @everyone role, or any other role that you see there and was given to the bot. If you need that setting to be left unchanged, you can add the InviteBot’s InviteBot role and change it’s Create invite permission to enabled, rather than neutral or disabled. InviteBot’s role must be then higher in the hierarchy of your server roles than the role than disables the permission.

For example:

Server Roles:
  - InviteBot
  - Admin
  - NoInvite
  - @everyone

Channel Permissions:
  - NoInvite:
    - Create invite: false

You need to change the NoInvite’s Create invite permission to neutral or true, or add InviteBot’s role to the Channel Permissions and enable that permission for it, such that:

Channel Permissions:
- InviteBot:
  - Create invite: neutral / true
- NoInvite:
  - Create invite: false

If NoInvite’s role is higher in the hierarchy of your server, so your Server’s Roles look like this:

Server Roles:
  - Admin
  - NoInvite
  - InviteBot
  - @everyone

You need to move InviteBot above the NoInvite role, otherwise NoInvite’s false overrides InviteBot’s neutral / true permission.